Обзор Презентация
Tim Timmons
Here Tim Timmons

1 Verse:
                         Fsus4   F                  Fsus4
You're calling me to the garden,    out of the wasteland
F                      C       Csus4
Let's walk upon the pathway      of Your goodness
C   Csus4             Bbsus2          Bb
I don't have to worry when I'm here 

2 Verse:
                         Fsus4   F                  Fsus4
You're calling me to the table,     out of the famine
F                      C       Csus4
To feast on Your provision,      to taste abundance
C   Csus4             Bbsus2          Bb   C/Bb   Bb   C/Bb
I don't have to hurry  when I'm here

Here in Your presence, I am awake and alive
Cadd4                                     Bbsus4
The King of Heaven is closer than I realize
                      Dm7        Cadd4 
And I will dwell here all of the days of my life
Here in Your presence, Jesus Iím Yours, You are mine
Cadd4                                     Bbsus4
To find Your fullness, forever here inside
                      Dm7        Cadd4      Bbsus4
And I will dwell here all of the days of my life
                          Dm7        Cadd4      F
Yes, I will dwell here all of the days of my life

3 Verse:
                         Fsus4    F                  Fsus4
You're calling me to the mountain    up from the lowlands
F                   C     Csus4
To rest upon the rock,    to see Your vision
C   Csus4                 Bbsus2          Bb   C/Bb   Bb   C/Bb
No, I don't have to wonder when I'm here

Bb                  C
All my days I am held in Your hands
       Am                           Bb
I will dance on the heights in Your promise land
Jesus, You are my light, Jesus, You are my hope
    Am             Bb
oh, God, it's You alone


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