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Lovesick (Over And Over Again) Housefires

Intro: Over and over again Over and over again, You fill my heart that is desperate Over and over again Over and over again, You satisfy me Over and over again, Jesus Over and over again, You satisfy my soul Over and over again, there's no one like You Over and over again, You keep pouring out more and more Over and over again, yes Over and over again, You satisfy me yes Over and over again, Jesus Over and over again
Chorus: No, You cannot deny it A heart that is desperate (Oh, we're desperate, Lord) Only You satisfy it A heart that is desperate
Verse: Over and over again Over and over again, You come, You come like a flood Over and over again, You always do Over and over again Over and over again
Spontaneous: You come in, You come in Over and over again Jesus, You always do it You always do it Oh, how we thank You How we thank You, Lord How You proved us To us over and over again that You're faithful You're faithful, God Oh, how many times do we have to learn it? Jesus, You're so patient You'll do it over and over again You'll come and teach us over and over again Over and over again You come You show us Your faithfulness over and over again, yes Oh, let's just thank him tonight Oh, God, thank You that You remind us Again and again when we forget, God You're so faithful to remind us You're so patient with us When we forget When we run Again and again, You tell us over gain You don't mind saying it over again, Lord You'll tell us over again, God That You love us, that we're already worthy Come on, somebody needs to hear that Oh, you're already worthy Yes, He calls you worthy
Verse: Over and over again, You come and speak to us Over and over again, God, You speak something new Over and over again, You remind me
Outro: Your love keeps knocking on my door Oh, Your love Your love keeps knocking on my door And Your love Oh, Your love keeps knocking on my door It's Your love Oh, Your love keeps knocking on my door It's Your love Oh, Your love keeps knocking on my door And Your love Your love keeps knocking on my door

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