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For the Cross
Bethel Music
For the Cross Bethel Music

Intro: F#
Verse: 1 F# G#m The life You gave, Your body was broken H Your love poured out, You bled and You died for me D#m C# H There on that cross, You breathed Your last as you were crucified You gave it all for me
Chorus: 1 H G#m F# Hallelujah, what a Savior H G#m F# Hallelujah, what a friend H G#m F# Hallelujah, King forever H G#m F# We thank You for the cross
Instrumental: F# G#m H D#m H
Verse: 2 F# G#m There in the ground, sealed in the darkness H Lifeless laid, the frame of the Father's son D#m C# A#m H In agony, He watched His only Son be sacrificed He gave it all for me
Verse: 3 F# G#m But on that day, what seemed as the darkest hour H C# A violent hope, broke through and shook the ground D#m C# A#m H And as You rose, The Light of all the world was magnified C# And You rose in victory
Chorus: 2 H G#m F# Hallelujah, it is finished H G#m F# Hallelujah, it is done H G#m F# Hallelujah King forever H G#m F# We thank you for the cross Big Crashes: F# G#m H D#m H/F#
End tag: H G#m F# And though our sins are scarlet H G#m F# You have made us white as snow

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Английский For the Cross
Bethel Music
Русский Ты жизнь отдал
Bethel Music
Русский За крест
Ксенія Бондар-Павловська Bethel Music
Русский Ты жизнь отдал
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