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Prophesy (Bonus Track)
Influence Music
Prophesy (Bonus Track) Influence Music
1 Verse: EI'm not gonna lose this fight Today C#m
This valley isn't where I'm meant To stay A
Reality may shout H
But truth will lead me out
2 Verse: EI'm not gonna settle for Halfway C#m
Your promise in its fullness I will claim A
The mountain may be high H
But faith says so am I
Chorus: EI'm gonna tell these bones to live, get up, get up C#m
I'm gonna tell these lungs to sing A
Speak to every sickness, call out every lie E
3 Verse: EI don't see a dead-end or a grave C#m
I see a chance for you to make a way A
If all authority H
Has been given to me

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