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The Lost Are Found
Hillsong Worship
The Lost Are Found Hillsong Worship
G#m E H D#m 1|--------11-----14-11------|------11------14-11-------|------11-------11-------|-----------------------------------------| 2|---12------------------12--|------------------------12---|------------14-----12---|-------11------12-11-9-11s12------| 3|------------------------------|--13-------------------------|---11--------------------|--11------------------------------------| 4|------------------------------|-------------------------------|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| 5|------------------------------|-------------------------------|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| 6|------------------------------|-------------------------------|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| Verse: 1 G#m E H D#m Everlasting while earthly ages fade G#m E H D#m In mercy Our God Your kingdom reigns Pre chorus: C#m G#m H D#m Lord over everything you are near C#m G#m E All of the universe at Your feet Verse 2: G#m E H D#m In the Saviour injustice brought to right G#m E H D#m For Your glory that Your Name be lifted high H C#m G#m E Chorus: H C#m The lost are found the blind will see G#m E The lame will walk the dead will live H C#m G#m E And You our God forever You will reign
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