Обзор Презентация
The Power of the Cross
Keith & Kristyn Getty
The Power of the Cross - Keith & Kristyn Getty

1 Verse:
Oh, to see the dawn of the darkest day;
Christ on the road to Calvary.
Tried by sinful men, torn and beaten, then
Nailed to a cross of wood.
This the power of the cross!
Christ became sin for us.
Took the blame, bore the wrath,
We stand forgiven at the cross.
2 Verse:
Oh, to see the pain written on your face,
Bearing the awesome weight of sin;
Every bitter thought, every evil deed,
Crowning you bloodstained brow.

3 Verse:
 Now the daylight flees, now the ground beneath,
Quakes as the Maker bows his head.
Curtain torn in two, dead are raised to life;
“Finished”, the victory cry.
4 Verse:
Oh, to see my name written in the wounds,
For through your suffering I am free.
Death is crushed to death, life is mine to live;
Won through your selfless love.
Last Chorus:
This the power of the cross,
Son of God slain for us.
What a love, what a cost,
We stand forgiven at your cross.


732 просмотра 16 прослушиваний 0 скачиваний BPM: 134

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Русский Мощь креста
Keith & Kristyn Getty
Русский В этом сила креста
Украинский Сила хреста
Катерина Мороз-Маліборська Неизвестен
Украинский Сила Христа
Keith & Kristyn Getty
Русский Сила Божья в кресте
Алёна Долинина Keith & Kristyn Getty

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