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How Far We've Come
I Am They
How Far We've Come I Am They

Dm  C/E  F  Bb

1 VERSE: Dm C/E It's hard to believe F Bb This is the same road we started on Dm C/E Bb Ashes to beauty once again Dm C/E When we couldn't see F Bb And it all disappeared from under us Dm C/E Bb He became the ground beneath our feet
PRE CHORUS: Dm C Every step, every struggle F Bb Every triumph, every trial
CHORUS: F Look at the mountains we've climbed Bb C Look at how faithful He's been, to deliver us Bb F Look at how far we've come F The story of unfailing love Bb C Jesus has made a way, to deliver us Bb F Look at how far we've come
2 VERSE: He takes our wreckage Puts all the pieces back together Breathing new life into the dust
BRIDGE: Bb C You never let go, You never let go Dm F/A God, through it all You will never let go Bb C You never let go, You never let go Dm C/E God, through it all You will never let go Bb C You never let go, You never let go Dm F/A God, through it all You will never let go Bb C Bb You never let go, You never let go-o-oo
TAG: Look at the mountains we've climbed O God how faithful You've been To deliver us, deliver us!...

364 просмотра 325 прослушиваний 82 скачивания BPM: 116

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