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The Name above All Names
Sovereign Grace Music
The Name above All Names Sovereign Grace Music

intro: | F#m D2 | C#m7 E | Hm E | F#m |
1 Verse: F#m D C#m E Great Creator of the heavens and the earth Hm E F#m You know every star by name F#m D C#m E Awesome power is revealed in all Your works Hm E F#m And forever You will reign
2 Verse: F#m D C#m E Righteous Sovereign over history and time Hm E F#m Wholly God yet fully man F#m D C#m E What a mystery that You left Your throne on high Hm E F#m To return with nail-scarred hands
Pre Chorus: D E F#m | E And one day every knee will humbly bow Hm C#m And every tongue confess aloud that
Chorus: A D Jesus is the name above all names F#m E D He is worthy of all praise A D Jesus is the name above all names F#m E D King of kings for endless days
3 Verse: F#m D C#m E Perfect wisdom in the mercy of the Cross Hm E F#m Still I’ll never under - stand F#m D C#m E Why a rebel so unworthy of such cost Hm E F#m Would be ransomed by Your hand

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