Обзор Презентация
Threshold of Glory
SMBS Choir
Threshold of Glory SMBS Choir

1 Verse: Em9 Hm/D We push back the gates, we open the doors Cmaj9 Hsus4 H Together we come to meet with You, Lord Em9 Hm/D Yes, we push back the gates, we open the door Cmaj9 Hsus4 H Together we come, oh to meet with you Lord
PRE Chorus: Em D C2 Here we are at the threshold of glory Em D C2 Every eye now focused on You Em D C2 My heart in my chest beats wildly Em D/F# H As our set brings us closer to You
Chorus: Em2 C Magnificent One, Merciful Judge Am H We rejoice and sing in the favor of our God
2 Verse: We push back the gates, we open the door Oh together we come to meet with you Lord We push back the gates, we open the door Together we come, oh to meet with you Lord
Chorus: Magnificent one merciful judge We rejoice and sing in the favor of our God Omnipotent love almighty friend You are always just You are always good Your kingdom has no end
Bridge: Em D/F# G Am Magnificent, Magnificent Em D/F# G Am Magnificent, Magnificent H Magnificent, Magnificent (Magnificent, Magnificent Glorious, Glorious Magnificent, Magnificent Marvelous, Marvelous)

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Перевод песни

Русский Прощающий Бог
Хор Русь Христианская Тамбов
Украинский Прощаючий Бог
Tambov Church
Болгарский Простителен Бог
Искра Колева Хор Русь Христианская Тамбов
Украинский Прощаючий Бог
Гефсиманія церква Здолбунів
Украинский Ми біля дверей до трону Твого
ARK Church Vancouver
Украинский Прощаючий Бог
Церква ХВЄ с. Рованці


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SMBS Choir
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