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Author / Perfector
Rivers & Robots
Author / Perfector Rivers & Robots
Intro: Am7 Em D/H C x4 1 Verse: Am7 Em D/H You’ve been there from the start C Am7 The Author of my peace Em D/B Beginning and the end C Am7 You are surrounding me Em D/H It all begins with You C Am7 This life is Your design Em D/H You’re with me ‘til the end of time Chorus: Am7 Em D/H C And You are worthy of the highest praise Am7 Em D C The Author and Perfector of our faith Am7 Em D/H C And nothing else compares to Your great name Am7 Em D C You turn brokenness to beauty Am7 Em D C You turn brokenness to beauty Instrumental: Am7 Em D/H C x4 2 Verse: Am7 Em D/H And nothing in this world C Am7 Could ever take your place Em D/H C Am7 And nothing else compares to your unending grace Em D/B Whatever I have gained C Am7 I count it all as loss Em D/H C To know this all-surpassing love Chorus: Am7 Em D/H C And You are worthy of the highest praise Am7 Em D C The Author and Perfector of our faith Am7 Em D/H C And nothing else compares to Your great name Am7 Em D C You turn brokenness to beauty Am7 Em D C You turn brokenness to beauty Break: C D Em D/H Bridge: C D You are writing the perfect story Em Turning ashes into beauty D/H C Turning songs of sorrow into songs of joy again D You’re revealing Your endless glory Em Leading us in the way of mercy D/H Taking broken lives and making everything new again C D You are writing the perfect story Em Turning ashes into beauty D/H C Turning songs of sorrow into songs of joy again D You’re revealing Your endless glory Em Leading us in the way of mercy D/H Taking broken lives and making everything new again Chorus: Am7 Em D/H C And You are worthy of the highest praise Am7 Em D C The Author and Perfector of our faith Am7 Em D/H C And nothing else compares to Your great name Am7 Em D C You turn brokenness to beauty Am7 Em D C You turn brokenness to beauty
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