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You Are My All in All
Walkers to Heaven
You Are My All in All Walkers to Heaven

| D | A | G |

1 VERSE: D A Hm7 You are my strength when I am weak F#m Em7 You are the treasure that I seek A D A You are my all in all Hm7 F#m G Seeking You as a precious jewel D Em7 Lord to give up, I'd be a fool A Dsus4 D You are my all in all
CHORUS: D A G D Em7 D F#m A Jesus, Lamb of God, worthy is Your name D A G D Em7 A Jesus, Lamb of God, worthy is Your name
2 VERSE: D A Hm7 Taking my sin, my cross, my shame F#m Em7 Rising again, I bless Your name A Dsus A You are my all in all Hm F#m G When I fall down, You pick me up D/F# Em7 When I am dry, You fill my cup A Dsus D You are my all in all
3 VERSE: D A/C# Hm7 You are my strength when I am weak A G You are the treasure that I seek A D A You are my all in all Hm7 A G Seeking You as a precious jewel D Em7 Lord to give up, I'd be a fool A Dsus D You are my all in all

2347 просмотров 1705 прослушиваний 216 скачиваний BPM: 148

Перевод песни

Украинский Ти моя сила у житті
Пісні хвали
Английский You are my all in all
Dennis Jernigan
Русский Всё во всём
Ризаев Бахтияр
Русский Сила моя в Тебе Господь
Вифания Краснодар
Украинский Ти моя сила у житті
Дорога до Бога Портланд
Английский You Are My All in All
Brooke Griffith
Украинский Ти моя сила у житті
Церква Спасителя Христа м. Львів
Украинский Ісус - Мій Господь
Philad Worship
Русский Вся моя жизнь в Тебе
Слово жизни Dennis Jernigan

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Walkers to Heaven


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Our Father
Walkers to Heaven
2017 альбом

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