Bible Music - No Greater Love

No Greater Love

Bible Music

Bible Music - No Greater Love

No Greater Love

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1 Verse:
For God so loved the world so wide,
He gave His only Son to die.
That all who believe in Him
Eternal life may win.

So great His love, so vast His grace,
A gift of life for every race.
Through Jesus Christ, our Savior true,
Eternal life is offered anew.

2 Verse:
No greater love could ever be,
Than this sacrifice on Calvary.
He gave His life, He paid the price,
For our redemption, once and twice.

So great His love, so vast His grace,
A gift of life for every race.
Through Jesus Christ, our Savior true,
Eternal life is offered anew.

Believe in Him and you shall live,
Eternal life He will give.