1 Verse: CAmFCHigh King of Heaven, You stepped from Your throneGAmFGTook on our flesh and made this world Your homeAmC/EGFTrembling in rev'rence Lord we look aboveCAmFCOvercome by such unmerited love
2 Verse: CAmFCJesus my Savior, I bow at Your birthGAmFGAwed by the mercy that brought You to EarthAmC/EGFLeaving the angels in glorious lightCAmFCFor the deep shadows of Bethlehem's night
Refrain: AmGFCOh, oh what a wonderAmGFCHow, oh how could it beAmGFCOh, oh sacred myst'ryAmC/EFCThe high King of Heaven born low to save me
3 Verse: CAmFCGracious Redeemer, You looked upon meGAmFGLong bеfore Eden, You knew my grеat needAmC/EGFWoven through his'try a rich crimson threadCAmFCG/HYour planned salvation in this manger bed
Refrain: AmGFCOh, oh what a wonderAmGFCHow, oh how could it beAmGFCOh, oh sacred myst'ryAmC/EFCThe high King of Heaven born low to save me
Bridge: FOur affection, our devotionC/EPoured out on the feet of JesusFOur affection, our devotionCPoured out on the feet of JesusFOur affection, our devotionGC/EPoured out on the feet of JesusFOur affection, our devotionCAmPoured out on the feet of
Chorus: GFJesus We love YouCOh, how we love YouFCYou are the one our, our hearts adore
Bridge: FOur affection, our devotionCAmGPoured out on the feet of JesusFOur affection, our devotionCAmGPoured out on the feet of Jesus
Spontaneous: FThe Father so loved usC/EThat He sent Jesus to usFWe can't say thank You enoughC/GWe can't say thank You enoughFWe can't say thank You enoughC/EWe can't say thank You enoughF/AThat You would come and give Your lifeC/GYou knew what it meant when You cameFBut still You came, still You came JesusC/GOh, still You came for meFWe can't say thank You enoughC/GWe can't say thank You enough (For what You gave)FWe can't say thank You enoughC/GWe can't say thank You enough
Outro: FSo Jesus we love YouC/GOh, how we love YouFDmC/GGC'Cause You are the one our, our hearts adore
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