Sean Rodriguez - The Unbelievable

The Unbelievable

Sean Rodriguez

Sean Rodriguez - The Unbelievable

The Unbelievable

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1 Verse:
You made a giant fall with a single stone
You give me faith like a shepherd
‘Know the battle’s won
You open prison doors
With the sound of praise
You give breath in my lungs
To worship all my days

Pre Chorus:
It all starts with a little seed of faith
And it always leads to You

This is how the dry bones raise
This is how the jail chains break
This is how we walk on waves
When we believe
When we believe

This is how the giants fall
This is how we knock down walls
This how we overcome
When we believe
The Unbelievable

2 Verse:
If a seed-like faith makes the mountain move
Imagine what a church-sized faith could do
If the God that raised is the God we praise
I believe that a miracle is on the way

A little faith, a song of praise
Is all You need to make a way
We reach to You, believing you are -
The God of miracles
A step of faith, out on the waves
Is all you ask of us to take
We trust in You, believe you are
The God of the the unbelievable.