Futures - Altars



Futures - Altars


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1 Verse:
Faithful God
Behind me I can see
The countless times Your hand has saved me

What was meant to break me
Was broken in my place
And from the rubble I built an altar of praise

Pre Chorus:
For a heart made whole
For a mind restored
For new mercy every morning
For Your salvation
For my redemption
For the way You turned my shame to glory

At this altar made of broken chains
I will praise the One who sets the captives free
You alone deserve my loudest hallelujah
I will bless the Lord for all my days

2 Verse:
Now I know
Whatever trial I face
Will turn into my song of breakthrough
I will trust in Jesus
The Author of my faith
And on His faithfulness I'll stand

Here's my every breath
Here's my soul and strength
Here's my offering my worship, my worship Lord

Here's my every breath
Here's my soul and strength
Here's my offering my worship, my worship Lord

All the honour
All the glory
You deserve all the praise that my heart can give
All my worship
Now and always
Let my life sing your praise oh my Saviour King