Cameron Keith - The Great Exchange

The Great Exchange

Cameron Keith

Cameron Keith - The Great Exchange

The Great Exchange

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1 Verse:
Whose law was given for my good? His
Whose disobedience ensued? Mine
Whose judgement matters in the end? His
Whose life deserves to be condemned? Mine

2 Verse:
Whose hands and feet display the scars? His
Whose sin was nailed up to the cross? Mine
Whose life was given once for all? His
Whose life has fully been restored? Mine

Oh the great exchange on that cursed tree
Where You took my place as You died for me
All my debt was fully paid, All my sin was washed away
When You took my place at the great exchange

3 Verse:
Whose soon return is drawing nigh? His
Whose hope will then be realized? Mine
Whose song will fill eternity? His
Whose lips will join with the redeemed? Mine

4 Verse:
Whose is the honor and the praise? His
Whose is the mercy and the grace? Mine
My life will always ever be His
And He will always ever be mine