
Welcome Home (Live)


CityAlight - Welcome Home (Live)

Welcome Home (Live)

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1 Verse: 
I know for sure
True life is mine
For Jesus lives
The first to rise
The first to hear
These words of hope:
Well done good servant
And welcome home

2 Verse:
How many saints
Have gone before
Their work is done
They weep no more
They heard those words
Before His throne:
Well done good servant
and welcome home

3 Verse:
And when my time
On earth is done
And I am called
Into His love
Then He shall say
By grace alone:
Well done good servant
And welcome home

4 Verse:
I know for sure
True life is mine
For Jesus lives
The first to rise
He bought for me
These words of hope:
Well done good servant
And welcome home