Misty Edwards

Psalm 150

Misty Edwards

Misty Edwards - Psalm 150

Psalm 150

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1 Verse:
Em D C Am
Praise God in His sanctuary
Em D C Am
Praise Him in the expanse of heaven
Em D C Am
Praise Him for His mighty acts
Em D C Am
Praise Him according to His excellence

Em D C Am Em D C Am
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord

2 Verse:
Em D C Am
Praise God with the sound of the trumpet
Em D C Am
Praise Him with the harp and lyre
Em D C Am
Praise Him with the timbrel and dance
Em D C Am
Praise Him with stringed instruments

3 Verse:
Em D C Am
Praise God with the clashing cymbal
Em D C Am
Praise Him with the singing flute
Em D C Am
Let everything that has breath
Em D C Am
Let us never cease to praise

Em G C D (Em)
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord