Michael W. Smith

Newborn King

Michael W. Smith

Michael W. Smith - Newborn King

Newborn King

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1 Verse: 
Oh the silent sky
of a lonesome desert
Bethlehem just out of sight
The miles like years as she holds her treasure
The babe, the hope, the peace, the light

Glory to God
In realms of heaven
Sing, rejoice with hands raised high
Peace to all to us is given
The Newborn King, The Babe, The Christ

Every breath be a holy wonder
Darkness runs from the voice of thunder
I have heard your cries
Dry your weeping eyes
The new born King He comes tonight

2 Verse:
Oh the silent years
In the land of shadows
Catch the tears of our suffering plight
When there seemed no end to this battle
The Newborn King, He comes tonight

Every breath be a holy wonder
Darkness runs from the voice of thunder
I have heard your cries
Dry your weeping eyes
The Newborn King He comes tonight

Alternate Chorus:
Every voice in the sky exulting
Every saint, every prayer of longing
I have heard your cries
Dry your weeping eyes
The Newborn King, he comes tonight

The angels sing, the ages ring
The shepherds blow, a manger low
O holy one, O love divine

The Newborn King, He comes tonight

O Bethlehem O starry night
O Israel, lift up your eyes
The Newborn King He comes tonight

For unto us a child is born
To wear for us a crown of thorns
The Newborn King He comes tonight