
If God is for us


Неизвестен - If God is for us

If God is for us

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1 verse:
||: If God is for us,
Who can be against us?
Who shall separate us
From the love of Christ?
Shall tribulation, distress or persecution,
Or hungry destitution,
Or the dander of the sword? :||

No, I’m convinced
That neither death nor life,
Nor things in the present,
Nor things that are yet to come
Shall separate us from God’s love,
The love, which is found
In Jesus Christ our Lord!

2 verse:
If God is for us,
Who can be against us?
Who shall separate us
From the love of Christ?
Shall tribulation, distress or persecution,
Or hungry destitution,
Or the dander of the sword?

No, I’m convinced
That neither death nor life,
Nor things in the present,
Nor things that are yet to come
Shall separate us from God’s love,
The love, which is found
In Jesus Christ our Lord!

||: We are more than conquerors,
We are more than conquerors!
We are more than conquerors
Through the love of Christ our Lord. :||
More than conquerors
Through the love of Christ our Lord,
Christ our Lord, Christ our Lord!