Sonic Praise - God of Wonders

God of Wonders

Sonic Praise

Sonic Praise - God of Wonders

God of Wonders (feat. Terry White)

Sonic Praise

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1 Verse: D Em C Lord of all creation D Em C Of water, earth, and sky D Em C The heavens are You tabernacle D Em C Glory to the Lord on high
Chorus: G D God of wonders beyond our galaxy Am C You are holy, holy G D The universe declares Your majesty Am C You are holy, holy
Bridge 1: C D C Lord of heaven and earth C D C Lord of heaven and earth
2 Verse: D Em C Early in the morning D Em C I will celebrate the light D Em C When I stumble in the darkness D Em C I will call Your Name by night
Bridge 2: Am Hallelujah C D To the Lord of heaven and earth

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