Hypersonic - Victory in Jesus

Victory in Jesus


Hypersonic - Victory in Jesus

Victory in Jesus


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1 Verse: G I heard an old, old story, C G How a Savior came from glory, Em How He gave His life on Calvary A D To save a wretch like me; G I heard about His groaning, C G Of His precious blood's atoning, Em Then I repented of my sins D G And won the victory.
Chorus: O victory in Jesus, C G My Savior, forever. Em He sought me and bought me A D With His redeeming blood; G He loved me ere I knew Him C G And all my love is due Him, Em G He plunged me to victory, D G Beneath the cleansing flood.
2 Verse: G I heard about His healing, C G Of His cleansing pow'r revealing. Em How He made the lame to walk again A D And caused the blind to see; G And then I cried, "Dear Jesus, C G Come and heal my broken spirit," Em And somehow Jesus came and bro't D G To me the victory.
Chorus: O victory in Jesus, C G My Savior, forever. Em He sought me and bought me A D With His redeeming blood; G He loved me ere I knew Him C G And all my love is due Him, Em G He plunged me to victory, D G Beneath the cleansing flood.
3 Verse: G I heard about a mansion C G He has built for me in glory. Em And I heard about the streets of gold A D Beyond the crystal sea; G About the angels singing, C G And the old redemption story, Em And some sweet day I'll sing up there D G The song of victory.
Chorus: O victory in Jesus, C G My Savior, forever. Em He sought me and bought me A D With His redeeming blood; G He loved me ere I knew Him C G And all my love is due Him, Em G He plunged me to victory, D G Beneath the cleansing flood.

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