1 Verse:GCsus2GO holy night, the stars are brightly shiningEm7DGIt is the night of our dear Savior's birthGCsus2GLong lay the world, in sin and error piningHmEm7'Till He appeared and the soul felt its worthDDsus4DDsus4Csus2GA thrill of hope, the weary world rejoicesDDsus4DDsus4Csus2GFor yon - der breaks a new and glorious morn
Chorus:EmHmFall on your kneesAm7EmO hear the angels' voicesGDEmCsus2O night divineGDGGsus2O night when Christ was bornDEmCsus2O night divineGDCsus2O night O night divine
2 Verse:GCsus2GTruly He taught us to love one anotherEm7DGGsus2His law is love and His Gospel is PeaceGCsus2GChains shall He break for the slave, He is our brotherHmEm7And in His name, all oppression shall cease D Dsus4 D Dsus4 Cuss2 GSweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise weDDsus4DDsus4Csus2GLet all with - in us praise His holy name
Chorus:EmHm Christ is the LordAm7EmO praise His name foreverGDEmCsus2His power and glo - ryGDGGsus2For ev - ermore pro - claimDG/HCG/DHis power and glo - ryDCsus2Forever, evermore proclaim