1 Verse:DGsus2A4HmLight of the world, treasure of HeavenDGsus2A4HmBrilliant like the stars, in the wintery skyD/F#Gsus2A4HmJoy of the Father, reach through the darknessDGsus2A4HmGsus2Asus4Shine across the earth, send the shadows to flight
2 Verse:DGsus2A4HmLight of the world, from the beginningDGsus2A4HmThe tragedies of time, were no match for Your loveD/F#Gsus2A4HmFrom great heights of glory, You saw my storyDGsus2A4GGod, You entered in, and became one of us, yeah
Chorus:DD/C#HmSing hallelujah, sing hallelujahGDA4Sing hallelujah for the things He has doneDD/C#HmCome and adore Him bow down before HimGDA4Sing hallelujah to the light of the world
3 Verse:DGsus2A4HmLight of the world, crown in a mangerDGsus2A4HmBorn for the Cross, to suffer, to saveD/F#Gsus2F#7/A#HmHigh King of Heaven, death is the poorerDGsus2A4GWe are the richer, by the price that He paid, oh-oh-oh
Chorus:DD/C#HmSing hallelujah, sing hallelujahGDA4Sing hallelujah for the things He has doneDD/C#HmCome and adore Him bow down before HimGDA4Sing hallelujah to the light of the world
Bridge:DGsus2A4HmLight of the world, soon will be comingDGsus2A4HmWith fire in His eyes, He will ransom His ownD/F#Gsus2F#7/A#HmThrough clouds He will lead us, straight into gloryDGsus2A4Gsus2And there He shall reign, forevermoreGsus2Oh, forevermore
Chorus:DD/C#HmSing hallelujah, sing hallelujahGDA4Sing hallelujah for the things He has doneDD/C#HmCome and adore Him bow down before HimGDA4Sing hallelujah to the light of the world