
Power In the Blood


InSalvation - Power In the Blood

Power In the Blood

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1 verse:
Love came down for us -
The Son of God, the Son of man.
Heaven’s righteousness
Surrendered to the Father’s plan.

2 verse:
There, on Calvary,
You bled and died for all the world,
With Your final breath
You saved us from the wrath of God.

Pre Chorus:
This precious Blood, this perfect Lamb
Washed white our sin, gave life again!

There is power in the Blood of Jesus Christ!
We have triumphed over death by His sacrifice!
With a shout of praise, we will testify,
There is power in the Blood,
In the Blood of Jesus Christ!
There is power in the Blood,
In the Blood of Jesus Christ!

3 verse:
Grace so glorious,
Mercy has won, we are redeemed!
Jesus victorious,
We marvel at Your majesty!

Grave, where is your victory?
O death, where is your sting?
For the power of the Blood
Broke the power of our sin,
Now the old is in the grave,
We are raised with Jesus Christ!
Hear, the heavens are rejoicing
Behold our King! He is alive!