Don Moen - He's the Mighty One of Israel

He's the Mighty One of Israel

Don Moen

Don Moen - He's the Mighty One of Israel

He's the Mighty One of Israel

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Chorus: He's the Mighty One of Israel The Mighty One of Israel His voice shall be heard, iIn the power of His word The Mighty One Israel
1 verse: The Lord shall cause His glorious voice to be heard And you shall have a song in the night Come to the mountain of the Lord See His glory and His might
2 verse: The eyes of the blind shall be opened and they'll see The ears of the deaf shall hear The lame man shall jump and shall leap as a hart The tongue of the dumb shall sing
3 verse: The Lord shall cause His glorious beauty to be seen The dessert shall bloom and rejoice Say to them that are fearful of heart Be strong and listen to His voice

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