Обзор Презентация
We Know There's More - Corey Voss

C5   C/E   Fmaj7   Em7   F

1 verse:
          C/E              Fmaj7  
It's Your heart we're after
    Em7                    F
Not just Your hand that we want
          C/E              Fmaj7  
It's Your heart we're after
    Em7                   F
Not just Your blessing we seek

 C                    Dm7              C/E
More, we know there's more, we ask for more
	   F               G
There's nothing else our hearts were made for
 C                Dm7               C/E
More, we need You more, we want You Lord
 F                  G
Come, satisfy our thirst for there is more

 C   Dm7   C/E   F

2 verse:
          C/E          Fmaj7  
It's Your holy presence   
    Em7                  F
Not just the feelings we want
          C/E          Fmaj7  
It's Your holy presence
    Em7                     F
Not just Your signs that we seek

               C                    Dm7
You are all we want, You are all we crave
               C/E                  F
You are all we need, You are all we chase
G               C/E                   Dm7
Nothing in this world could ever satisfy us
                  Am7      G         F
Jesus, You're the cup that won't run dry


509 просмотров 39 прослушиваний 8 скачиваний BPM: 144

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