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Raised With Christ
St Aldates Worship
Raised With Christ - St Aldates Worship

1 verse:
The firstborn of all creation
The world was made for Your delight
Taking on our human nature
Becoming sin to give us life

Pre chorus:
You hold everything together
From beginning to the end
With a love no one can measure
Stronger than the grip of death

I've been raised with Christ
The old has gone, the new has come to life
I will lift my voice and sing Your praise
Forever I will sing Your praise

2 verse:
I fix my eyes upon the Heavens
I set my mind on things above
You are the prize, You are my treasure
How sweet the name that rescues us

We have found our freedom, we are free indeed
The empty grave is our victory
Our sin is cancelled, He has nailed it to the cross
The King of Heaven is alive in us
We have found our freedom, we are free indeed
The empty grave is our victory
Our sin is cancelled, He has nailed it to the cross
The King of Heaven is alive in us

Hallelujah, You are worthy, Lord
Let's just lift up the song of praise
You are worthy, Lord
You are worthy, Lord
Of every song
Of every life


441 просмотр 131 прослушиваний 14 скачиваний BPM: 80

Перевод песни

Русский Я воскрес со Христом!
Наталья Доценко
Русский Я воскрес с Христом
RussiaWorship, Мария Вихрова RussiaWorship

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