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Still Breathing
Seventh Day Slumber
Still Breathing - Seventh Day Slumber

1 verse:
It's on the edge of a breakdown just a step away
At the end, on my way out to throw it all away
One pill at a time I take to show them what they've made
They'll be happy when I'm gone

Pre chorus:
I felt so lost i felt so cold
My heart was breaking losing control

Breathing you're keeping me alive
My heart's still beating you brought me back to life
And you saved me i was running out of breath
Begging for your help i'm breathing

2 verse:
So many times that I wonder why am I even here?
All I needed was an answer a sign, you even care
One breath at a time I take to push through another day
They'll be happy when I'm gone

Holy Spirit, I'm
Holding on for too long
Like a burning fire
Overtake me


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Альбомы исполнителя

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