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Feet Of Jesus (Live)
Legacy Nashville
Feet Of Jesus (Live) - Legacy Nashville

1 verse:
In the beginning You formed the heavens and the Earth,
The waters were teeming then You stuck Your hand down in the dirt,
Breathing Your life into my bones!
Purposed for worship so this will be my anthem song!

You will always find me at the feet of Jesus,
In communion heart to heart and face to face!
You will always find me at the feet of Jesus,
From morning’s wake until I end my day!

2 verse:
You saw me searching ashamed to show my face,
A wandering vessel aimless on my way.
You breathed new life intro my soul,
Lifted my head up so this will be my anthem song!

At the feet of Jesus, Jesus!
Until my final breath
I’m anchored in the truth,
Though storms and trials come
I will not be moved!


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Feet Of Jesus
Legacy Nashville
2024 альбом

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