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Wind of Heaven
Kingdom Culture Worship
Wind of Heaven - Kingdom Culture Worship

Just breathe in His presence tonight

1 Verse:
I don't have to be perfect
I don't have to be perfect
You are my righteousness
You are my righteousness
I don't have to be perfect
I don't have to be perfect
You are my righteousness
You are my righteousness


2 Verse:
You're lifting off the heavy burdens
You're lifting off the heavy burdens
Your yoke is easy and light
Your yoke is easy and light
You're lifting off the heavy burdens
You're lifting off the heavy burdens
Your yoke is easy and light
Your yoke is easy and light

Praise be to the Lord our God who daily bears our burdens
Our God who saves, our God who saves
Praise be to the Lord our God who daily bears our burdens
Our God who saves


3 Verse:
(Sing we're gonna catch the breeze)
We're gonna catch the breeze of Heaven
We're gonna catch the breeze of Heaven
You're the wind in our sails
You're the wind in our sails
We're gonna catch the breeze of Heaven
We're gonna catch the breeze of Heaven
You're the wind in our sails
You're the wind in our sails

4 Verse:
You're taking us to higher places
You're taking us to higher places
I will not stumble or fall
I will not stumble or fall
You're taking us to higher places
You're taking us to higher places
I will not stumble or fall
I will not stumble or fall

Praise be to the Lord our God who daily bears our burdens
Our God who saves, our God who saves
Praise be to the Lord our God who daily bears our burdens
Our God who saves

Daily You carry my burdens, daily You give me strength
I will soar on Your wings like an eagle, I will run and not grow faint
Daily You carry my burdens, daily You give me strength
I will soar on Your wings like an eagle, I will run and not grow faint
Daily You carry my burdens, daily You give me strength
I will soar on Your wings like an eagle, I will run and not grow faint
Daily You carry my burdens, daily You give me strength
I will soar on Your wings like an eagle, I will run and not grow faint
Our God's a father to the fatherless, defender of the widows
He is holy in His dwelling, sets the lonely into families
It's who You are
(Come on, sing it out)
Our God's a father to the fatherless, defender of the widows
He is holy in His dwelling, sets the lonely into families
It's who You are

Praise be to the Lord our God who daily bears our burdens
Our God who saves, our God who saves
Praise be to the Lord our God who daily bears our burdens
Our God who saves
(Our God who saves)


Praise be to the Lord our God who daily bears our burdens
(Come on, sing it out)
Our God who saves, our God who saves
Praise be to the Lord our God who daily bears our burdens
Our God who saves, our God who saves


I can feel
Every day You carry my burdens
Every single day You carry my burdens
Not just once
But over and over and over and over, again
You carry my burdens, You carry my burdens
I can soar like an eagle, I can soar like an eagle
Can you see me soaring? Can you see me flying?
Come on just begin to sing to Him tonight
I lay my burdens down, I lay my burdens down
I lay my burdens down, I lay my burdens down


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