Обзор Презентация
Dear God
Riley Clemmons
Dear God - Riley Clemmons

1 Verse:
Does it make You smile when I make plans
And think they'll go exactly like I made 'em?
Does it make You proud when my fears gets loud
But I stand my ground and try my best to face 'em?
Does it break Your heart when my heart's broken
Forgetting what it's worth?
Do You know how much I need You
Before I even say a word?

Dear God
Lately I've been thinking about You a lot
Words fall short
But I'll give it my best shot
Thank You for loving me
For giving all I'll ever need
Being perfect when I'm not
Dear God, ooh

2 Verse:
Tell me, what did it feel like to send Your Son to earth
Knowing what He'd go through?
And what did it feel like to watch His best friends
All betray Him  like He said they'd do?
Were You crying like a father
When He gave His life away?
Were You singing hallelujah
When He rose out of the grave?

Dear God
Lately I've been thinking about You a lot
Words fall short
But I'll give it my best shot
Thank You for loving me
For giving all I'll ever need
Being perfect when I'm not
Dear God
Dear God

We'll talk face-to-face one day
For now, here's the prayer I'll pray

Dear God
Lately I've been thinking about You a lot
Words fall short
But I'll give it my best shot
Thank You for loving me
For giving all I'll ever need
Being perfect when I'm not
Dear God, ooh
Dear God


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