Обзор Презентация
Lifting Me Up
Riley Clemmons
Lifting Me Up - Riley Clemmons

1 Verse:
At my lowest
I am not alone
You are with me
And You won't let go

Pre Chorus:
I'm not down for the count
Though it looks like I am
I need only be still
And watch Your mighty hand
Fighting my battles
I know where my help comes from

You're lifting me up
Raising my hand
Giving me strength
When I have none left
My shield and defender
With me forever
I know I'm not done
Cause I feel Your love

Lifting me up

2 Verse:
I will trust You
Even when it's hard
I hold Your promise
Here inside my heart

Pre Chorus:
That I'm not down for the count
I'll see victory again
I need only be still
And watch Your mighty hand
Fighting my battles
I know where my help comes from

You're lifting me up
Raising my hand
Giving me strength
When I have none left
My shield and defender
With me forever
I know I'm not done
Cause I feel Your love

Lifting me up

Out of the darkness
Into the light
You're lifting me up
Holding me tight
Out of my burdens
Into Your hope
You're lifting me up
Oh, and You'll never
No, never let go

You're lifting me up
Raising my hand
Giving me strength
When I have none left
My shield and defender
With me forever
I know I'm not done
Cause I feel Your love

You're lifting me up
Raising my hand
Giving me strength
When I have none left
My shield and defender
With me forever
I know I'm not done
Cause I feel Your love

Lifting me up
You're lifting me up
You're lifting me up


37 просмотров 42 прослушивания 5 скачиваний

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