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Elizabeth (Live)
Keith & Kristyn Getty
Elizabeth (Live) - Keith & Kristyn Getty

Elizabeth, there’s an echo in your voice I’ve heard before
Such emptiness, all the years of crying out for something more

But you have lived to see
that joy comes in the morning

Come and lay your head
on His promises
Oh find your rest, Elizabeth

Elizabeth, feel the baby dance for joy within your womb
Magnificent, Mary’s Son is sent to overcome the tomb

But you have lived to see
that joy comes in the morning

Come and lay your head
on His promises
Oh find your rest, Elizabeth

Woman after woman who will follow
Will carry beauty and a longing of their own
When I hear the rhythm of your name, oh
I remember once again
That none of us will ache without a living hope

Elizabeth, oh blessed is the one who has believed
In the Rising Sun who will guide our feet into the path of peace

For we will live to see
that joy comes in the morning

Come and lay your head
on His promises
Oh find your rest, Elizabeth


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