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From Everlasting (Psalm 90)
Sovereign Grace Music
From Everlasting (Psalm 90) - Sovereign Grace Music

1 Verse:
O God, before the mountains were brought forth
Or days of spring and summer filled the earth
From everlasting, You are God

2 Verse:
We dwell beneath the stars in ancient skies
A thousand years are nothing in Your sight
From everlasting, You are God

And all our days are held within Your hands
Your perfect love and favor have no end
We rest within the wisdom of Your plan
Everlasting God

3 Verse:
O God, when joy and tragedy collide
And loss reminds us life is but a sigh
From everlasting, You are God

4 Verse:
O God of light our ways are known to You
But by Your grace You’re making all things new
So satisfy us in our numbered days
Establish every effort while we wait
From everlasting, You are God


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