Обзор Презентация
Hi-Key Records
Protector - Hi-Key Records

Precious is your love
Your mercy is enough for my sin
Beginning and the end
Ever changing me from within

Father, Father You are greater than my imperfections
Nothing, nothing could replace what You have done for me

You're my savior
My creator
You're my shelter
My protector

Faithful everyday,
Patient and He's slow to anger
Safe within your arms,
Keeping me away from danger

Father, Father You are greater than my imperfections
Nothing, nothing could replace what You have done for me

You're my savior
My creator
You're my shelter
My protector

You're my savior
My creator
You're my shelter
My protector

You're my savior
My creator
You're my shelter
My protector


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Русский Защитник
Hi-Key Records

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Альбомы исполнителя

Hi-Key Records
2024 альбом
Hi-Key Records
2023 single
Жить для Иисуса
Hi-Key Records
2022 single
Мама помолись за меня
Hi-Key Records
2022 single
Милость Божья
Hi-Key Records
2020 альбом
Hi-Key Records
2020 альбом
Измени меня
Hi-Key Records
2019 EP - альбом
Звёзд дивные алмазы
Hi-Key Records
2018 single

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