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My Prayer
Bright City
My Prayer - Bright City

Faithful Shepherd feed me, in the pastures green
Faithful Shepherd lead me, where thy steps are seen
Hold me fast and guide me, in the narrow way
And so with Thee beside me, I shall never stray

Father, let this be my prayer
To follow You alone
Father, let this be my prayer
Until You call me home

Daily bring me nearer, to the heavenly shore
Make my faith grow clearer and may I love You more
Hallow every pleasure, every gift and pain
And be Thyself my treasure, though none else I gain

Father, let this be my prayer
To follow You alone
Father, let this be my prayer
Until You call me home
Father, let this be my prayer
To follow You alone
Father, let this be my prayer
Until You call me home

Day by day, prepare me
As thou see-est best
And then let angels bare me
To Thy promised rest


150 просмотров 64 прослушивания 9 скачиваний BPM: 181

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