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Heaven Come Closer
Corey Voss
Heaven Come Closer - Corey Voss

1 Verse:
We cannot live a day without You
'Cause miracles are birthed when You move
So Holy Spirit let Your love and power break through
As we set our hearts on You
Let Your love and power break through

Let Heaven come closer than it's ever been
Let Heaven come closer than it's ever been
As You breathe out Lord we will breathe You in
Come and flood, flood, flood this place with Your presence
Come and flood, flood, flood this place with Your presence
Come on

2 Verse:
We've boxed You in and made You too small
But You are nothing less than radical
Come overwhelm us with Your wonder and Your awe
We surrender all we are
To Your wonder and Your awe

Let Heaven come closer than it's ever been
Let Heaven come closer than it's ever been
As You breathe out Lord we will breathe You in
Come and flood, flood, flood this place with Your presence
Come and flood, flood, flood this place with Your presence

When You show up the blind will see
Dry bones will dance in victory
When Heaven comes, the dead will live again
The voiceless will break into a song
Justice and mercy will right all wrongs
You will establish Your kingdom without end
When You show up the blind will see
Dry bones will dance in victory
When Heaven comes, the dead will live again
The voiceless will break into a song
Justice and mercy will right all wrongs
You will establish Your kingdom without end
Come on
Let Heaven come

Let Heaven come closer than it's ever been
Let Heaven come closer than it's ever been
As You breathe out Lord we will breathe You in
Come and flood, flood, flood this place with Your presence
Come and flood, flood, flood this place with Your presence

Let Heaven come
Let Heaven come
Let Heaven come


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