Обзор Презентация
For the King
Paul Baloche
For the King - Paul Baloche

1 verse:
Loved and not forgotten
Eb                                          Bb
You'll never leave us, You won't forsake Your own
Adopted not abandoned
Eb                                F
And in Your image, we were made for You

1 Pre chorus:
 F                      Eb
Not only do You know our names
You know the number of our days
Forever we will lift our praises to You

For the King, for the kingdom
Ab                             Eb
In everything, we declare Your glory
We declare Your glory

2 verse:
We will not be silent
For we remember, our lives were changed by You
Washed beneath the fountain
With Your forgiveness, we have been made new

2 Pre chorus:
Oh, send us out into the world
To tell about Your perfect love
Your everlasting joy will overtake us

Bb  Ab  Eb 

3 Pre chorus:
Not only do You know our names
You know the number of our days
Forever we will lift our praises to You


238 просмотров 153 прослушивания 29 скачиваний BPM: 95

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