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The Sound of Love - Selah

1 verse:
There is a voice whispering to me
I know it well, every word is holding onto me

2 verse:
There is a wind filling me with peace
It passes by, and I know that it will never leave

Pre chorus:
I can feel Your presence falling
As my heart responds with praise

I hear the crashing waves thundering through my soul
I hear a quiet voice reminding me of hope
I hear a mighty roar singing a melody
Louder than all my fears as it washes over me

It's the sound of love
It's the sound of love

3 verse:
There is a song salvation echoing
Every voice, every knee will bow before the King

Pre chorus:
I can feel the worship rising
Every heart responds with praise

I hear the crashing waves thundering through my soul
I hear a quiet voice reminding me of hope
I hear a mighty roar singing a melody
Louder than all my fears as it washes over me

It's the sound of love
It's the sound of love

It is the sound of erupting thunder
It is the sound of a mighty rushing wind
It is the sound ringing through creation
The sound of love the sound of love
It is the sound of a roaring lion
It is the sound of a Savior's victory
It is the sound of a new revival
The sound of love the sound of love

I hear the crashing waves thundering through my soul
I hear a quiet voice reminding me of hope
I hear a mighty roar singing a melody
Louder than all my fears as it washes over me

It's the sound of love
It's the sound of love
Sound of love
It's the sound of love


412 просмотров 202 прослушивания 15 скачиваний BPM: 164

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Альбомы исполнителя

Step Into My Story
2020 EP - альбом
Firm Foundation
2019 альбом
You Raise Me Up: Greatest Hits
2018 альбом
You Amaze Us
2014 альбом
You Deliver Me
2009 альбом
Hiding Place
2004 альбом
Press On
2001 альбом
Higher Name

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