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Faultlines I
Faultlines I - Kalley

1 Verse:
Now about all these fault lines
Are they Yours or are they mine?
'Cause my fear wants to define it all
Place the blame so I can move along

Every burden You take
Every doubt and mistake
You don't send the earthquake
But You heal the heartbreak of it all

2 Verse:
And how about all these questions?
The answers don't seem to solve them
They don't mend what is hurting inside
But with You, it all begins to unwind

Every burden You take
Every doubt and mistake
You don't send the earthquake
But You heal the heartbreak of it all

Nothing forgotten, nothing is wasted
With You, with You
This is Your goodness, this is a promise
With You, with You
Every burden You take
Every doubt and mistake
You don't send the earthquake
But You heal the heartbreak of it all
You will heal the heartbreak of it all


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Альбомы исполнителя

Better Than The Rest
2023 single
Faultlines Vol. 1
2019 EP - альбом
Faultlines Vol. 2
2019 EP - альбом

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